Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What if flashdrives were very small?

Well here's a blast from the past: does anyone remember Compact Discs? CDs maybe? No? I found a stack while in Cleveland, going through the closet my dad had set aside for all my "college stuff".

Turns out I used to listen to some really good music-- 700 MBs at a time.

That got me thinking. Barring a nuclear winter happening within the next 5 years, isn't it entirely likely that a "16 GB thumb drive" will soon be laughable? (Actually, by my calculations, that should be laughable within 3.68 years (see: Moore's Second Law).)

Don't worry, I'm not trying to make a point here. Just try thinking as if that were true for a minute; it feels weirder than I would have thought.